We provide Landing crafts which can transport and deploy equipment, supplies and vehicles from transport vessels to shore. Transportation of goods and cargo operations. Can operate in shallow waters and onshore/beach roll on roll off cargo operations.


Marine Assets operates a fleet of specialised multipurpose survey vessels equipped with state-of-the-art survey spreads. We continue to invest and expand our already extensive survey vessel fleet with world-class dedicated, specialized vessels to meet demands in the deep-water, coastal and renewables markets. Standard deep water survey vessels Coastal survey vessels …


We offer a full package of competitively-priced, technically-advanced, highly-automated anchor handling tug supply (AHTS) equipment, backed-up by dedicated global lifetime support. If you want your AHTS vessel to undertake a number of additional operational tasks, we supply a full range of subsea load handling equipment that can equip your vessel …


Our experienced and highly qualified team is capable to complete buoy systems onshore fabrication projects on time, and cost-effective, including, procurement and construction.We can also provide complete floating and sub sea hose management including hose string assembly, installation and disassembly of old hoses together with a full inspection and re-qualification …


We provide high-end software and integrated solutions for maritime safety monitoring. Our main products are the Maritime Monitoring System for offshore installations, Vessel Traffic Management System, Ex (p) and weather-resistant Radar Domes, VHF Radio System, and Fish Farm Surveillance System. We also provide long-range surveillance to avoid collisions by providing …


Export Operations Export of crude oil Storage & Gravity Loading Export Loading Pier Facilities Export Maintenance Tank Cleaning, Dislodging and Repair Facility Maintenance Service Contracts


Marine Assets takes pride in offering the highest of standards in operational excellence, while keeping vigilant on matters of safety and protecting the environment.  We offer barge services and barge transportation in the industry. Perfect for shallow water approach  Accommodation for 32 pax Can be used for diving and hook …

150,000 BBLS EPF

Marine Assets EPF is designed to meet requirements of oil and gas fields. Our EPFs can be delivered in a fast turnkey operation with transparent deliverables including well site equipment, utilities, control rooms, civil works, plant commissioning and long-term operation. Once on site, our team will be working with our …


Our design/build formulas perform and last – time and time again. As smart, new technology becomes available for our industry, we incorporate new ideas into our work.The companies we have as partners for Marine Equipment are pioneers in their areas of manufacturing. Marine Assets and Offshore Equipment Company established a …